You will need:
- base/top coat
- light purple nail polish of your choice for the base
I used Nubar 'Twilight Kiss'
- a silver chrome polish
I used China Glaze 'Millennium'
- CM silver glitter
- M65 (swirls)
- Konad special polish in Silver

01. Apply base coat *let it dry
02. There are 2 ways of painting the 2-tone base colours
(you can use clear tape to guide you if necessary)
1. Apply the light purple polish on half the nail *let it dry
2. Apply the light purple polish on the whole nail *let it dry
03. Paint the silver polish on the other half *let it dry
(you can use clear tape to guide you if necessary)
04. Paint half of the swirl design with the special polish in silver
05. Stamp on the 'light purple' half of the nail
06. Paint a thin line of the silver glitter in the middle between the 2 base colours
07. Apply top coat
Done! have fun with this design :)